Welcome to the For Sale forum! Here, you can post up anything that you have for sale. Whether it be in an ebay auction (post the link here), a craigslist ad (post the link here), or you just decided you wanted to get rid of something, sell it here.
For Sale/Wanted section rules:
As a security precaution, and to help prevent spam, no one with LESS THAN 30 POSTS will be allowed to post in either the For Sale or Wanted forum. There are no exceptions to this rule, and your thread will be deleted if you have less than 30 posts on the forum.
Also, in your thread, you MUST LIST A STARTING PRICE FOR YOUR ITEM. This rule doesn't apply to ebay auctions or craigslist ads, provided that you listed a price on those sites. Do not start a for sale thread and end it with, "Make an offer." Your thread will be deleted.
Lastly, Off Campus and Forumotion aren't responsible for any business dealings that go on in the For Sale or Wanted sections. We don't ask for any gratuities from your sales or purchases, and therefore, are merely a means of connecting sellers and buyers. You buy and sell things in this section AT YOUR OWN RISK.