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 Read Me First!

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Posts : 237
Join date : 2008-09-04
Age : 35
Location : Tuscaloosa, AL

Read Me First! Empty
PostSubject: Read Me First!   Read Me First! Icon_minitimeSat Sep 06, 2008 1:45 pm

Welcome to Off Campus! This is a forum where any topic is open for discussion. Since it was founded by two college aged people, then that's obviously the crowd that we target. However, we feel that OC is a place for any discussion or topic, and therefore, should be open to anyONE, as well. Invite your friends, your neighbors, even your annoying little sister; because OC is the place to be online. cool


- Respect other users

No verbal abuse or slander will be allowed. Period. There is a difference between disagreeing with someone, and attacking them on a personal level. When arguements turn to personal attacks, threads will be locked and members will be banned.

- No nudity

Besides, there are plenty of places on the net for that already, is there not? lmao Babe threads, etc, will be allowed, but they must be CLOTHED (however sparingly that may be), and no nip slips. Also, if you post any pictures that should not be viewed at anyone's place of work or at schools, please type NSFW (not safe for work), WW (work warning), etc, in the title. We don't wanna get anyone fired or expelled here.

- These 2 rules apply to the entire forum. We have specific rules for our For Sale/Wanted forum in a sticky in those sections.


Be sure to introduce yourself to the forum here: https://offcampus.forumotion.net/new-members-f7/


Tired of deleting reply notifications from your email inbox? Here's how to stop it. Click on the "Profile" tap at the top of the page. Once inside your Profile, you can change MANY different options to customize your visit here at SB. Click on the "Preferences" link above the top header bar to the right of the page. Find the option titled "Always notify me of replies," then check the "no" button for that option. Now Click save at the bottom, and no more emails! It may take up to a day for your new options to take effect, though.


-Size limits

For avatars, there is a 150x200 pixel size limit. For signatures, there will be a 500x200 size limit. If either is larger than that, we will either remove it, or resize it for you. Same goes with avatars. No nudity in either. read

-How to add your own avatars and signatures to your posts

Avatars are images that appear under your username to the left of the page. To add an avatar, click on the Profile tab at the top of the page. This is also where you can edit all of your options and preferences for the forum. Once inside your profile, click on the white link to the right of the page above the header bar titled, "Avatar." Then, you can either click the "Browse" button to find a picture on your computer, or "machine," as it calls it. :lmao: Or, you can copy and paste the url of an image found on google image searches, or from your photobucket account, etc.

Signatures are images that appear under your posts in threads. To add a signature, once again, go to your Profile. This time, click on the white link titled, "Signature." Click on the button titled "Image." This will insert [img] into the text box. Next, copy and paste the url of your signature into the text box after Read Me First!  and click the "Image" button again after your image url. The finished result should look like this: Read Me First! Yourimageurlhere Click Preview to make sure everything works, then Save, and you're finished!

As always, feel free to PM myself or TMarsh with any questions/comments, etc!
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